We wish to be accessible to all. If you have any difficulties please talk to a sidesman, warden or the vicar.
Getting to church from the road
Parking around the church can be difficult.
We have an 80m path from the road to the church that is level with a good tarmac surface. We do not allow the general congregation to drive on this path as there is only room to park 1 or 2 cars at the church end of the path.
If you are unable to walk down the path, it is wide enough to drive down with care. Please feel free to open the second gate and drive down. Either park just beyond the church door or if possible a companion could drive out and park in the road.
Please do not drive on the grass; there are crypts in the churchyard which could collapse under the weight of a car.
In Church
The Church has step free access to all public areas.
There is plenty room at the back of church to park wheelchairs or buggies, if you don’t need them while you are in church.
If you do need to stay in your chair there is room in front of both side aisles to park. Please do come forward and be a full part of the service.
If you have difficulty getting to the altar rail for communion please let a sidesman, warden or the vicar know, preferably before the service starts. We are happy to bring communion to you in your seat.
We have a toilet on the ground floor but unfortunately the access is not wide enough to be wheelchair accessible.
Hearing Aid
We have a hearing loop installed and encourage all preachers to use the microphone system.