We offer different styles of worship and all are welcome at any of our services.
This is a quiet and reflective traditional said service (BCP) which lasts approximately 30 minutes.
![[A Church Service]](/images/church-service.png)
Holy Communion takes place most Sundays, this is our main Sunday service and all are welcome. Our music is led by the organ and the choir and we try to have the best of the old hymns and the best of the new. There are Bible readings and a talk and tea and coffee are served after the service.
Every 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sunday personal prayer is available from the Prayer Ministry team. If you would like a special confidential prayer for yourself or for others please come along and make yourself known (the Prayer Ministry team wear badges so you should be able to spot them).
Watch a typical 10:00am Main Sunday Service
Our Family Service is on the first Sunday of every month. People of all ages are welcome and music is chosen to suit both grandparents and children. The readings and prayers are usually led by families from our congregation and tea and coffee are served after the service.
Children's Church takes place during communion services during term time for primary age children. We usually include a game, a Bible story, something to make and a prayer time. It is fun and friendly and parents are welcome to stay.
Take part in Digital Church
Would you like to be a part of our online service? e.g. by recording a reading. Then sign up below and we'll be in touch!
Our Digital Church is our biggest congregation.
The service is recorded and published on our YouTube Channel and is available to view from .
The people who read and lead the prayers will be seen on the recording but not the congregation.
Recent Services
Catch Up
If you miss a service you can watch us on catch up on our YouTube Channel
Our Informal Service is at 4pm each week.
There is worship led by a band, some prayers, a bible reading and a talk before a few final songs, with the service lasting about an hour.
At the end we serve tea, coffee and biscuits. Many people come to join us from the surrounding villages.