A Season of Remembrance

You are invited to join us in church on Sunday 30 October at 6.00pm for All Souls Day. This is a quiet and reflective service when we remember our friends and relatives who have passed away. There is a chance for the congregation to light night lights and then I read out the names of those we are remembering.

On Sunday 6 November at 10.00am we will be remembering All Saints Day. I wonder, “Who is your favourite Saint?” I love the stories of the celtic saints who brought Christianity to the UK. St Patrick in Ireland, St Columba at Iona, St Aidan at Lindisfarne and St Cedd at Bradwell-on-sea. 

Finally, Remembrance Sunday is on Sunday 13 November. Either 9.30am in church or 10.50am at the war memorial. When we remember those who gave their lives in war so that we might enjoy freedom and democracy today. 

I do hope you are free to join us for one or more of these Sundays in our Season of Remembrance.