God came down to earth

Christians believe that on the first Christmas day ‘God became flesh and moved into the neighbourhood’. Then first of all an angel messenger and then an angel choir disturbed some poor shepherds in the night and they went and ‘found Mary and Joseph and God who was lying in a manger’.

And God hadn’t just come to down to earth for the poor because about 18 months later some academics also came to find God who was now a child living in a house in Bethlehem. In fact this event is so important in the history of the world that our forebears have made the year zero in our calendar the year that God came down to earth.

So Who do you think Jesus was? Do you agree with St John that Jesus was God? Or do you agree with St Luke that Jesus was the saviour of the world? Who do you think Jesus was?

Our services this year are:-

Sunday 17 Dec 6:30pm Town carol service
Christmas Eve 4:00pm Crib Service
Christmas Eve 11:30pm Midnight Communion
Christmas Day 8:00am Holy Communion BCP
Christmas Day 10:00am Jesus birthday communion
Sunday 31 Dec 6:30pm Carols by candlelight


Everyone is welcome at each and every service. Please do join us to thank God for Christmas.